About Our Church
Our church is committed to sharing the truth about Jesus and the message of the Gospel. Our passion is to grow in our relationship with God and to assist others on this same journey. Our church services are focused on encountering Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit and love of the Father. God has a wonderful redemptive purpose for every person and we are committed to discovering that purpose.

Pamela and I would like to thank-you for visiting NLW ministries and Embrace Church website! Welcome! Our passion is to help people grow in a personal relationship with Jesus. None of us can do this on our own; we believe in the power of community. We invite you to come and join us at our Sunday Service!
Pastor Gregg, along with his wife Pamela, have been pastoring Embrace Church since moving to Edmonton in 2001. Gregg has an extensive, successful background in coaching; holding a B.S.P.E from the University of Saskatchewan. He is a graduate of Jack Hayford’s School of Pastoral Nurture, has achieved a Master of Divinity degree from The King’s University, and holds his Doctorate in Ministry from Shiloh University. His passion is relational theology and leading people into a deeper, intimate walk with God and one another. He hosts a weekly prayer group involving local ministers. He ministers in numerous churches throughout Canada, the USA, and Haiti and within the federal prison system. Gregg and Pamela have four children and a growing number of grandchildren.

Jon Galan
Worship Director,. Young Adults Leader
Cassidy Merta
Events/Missions Coordinator
Jon is an independent artist who also uses his gifting to lead worship at Embrace Church. He has been playing guitar and singing from a young age.
Cassidy is a wife, mother, and registered nurse who is passionate about the people of Edmonton.

We have many ways for you to give to our ministry:
Cash/Cheque during services
E-transfer to info@newandlivingway.ca
Service Times

Sunday: 11:00am
Midweek groups: Monday Bible Study's at 7pm
(Join our weekly newsletter to receive the link to join online
or check our YouTube page below)
If you're not able to attend a service you can join us on our YouTube page!